My Favorite Things: Moments

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

I've decided to start a little mini-blog series called "My Favorite Things". Yep, kind of like Oprah & a lot like The Sound of Music. But I don't want to be TOO random because I love a lot of things. So I'm going to break them down into categories for you. Today's favorite things category is MOMENTS.

I love that moment....

1) When you see, hear & smell a brand new baby...& feel the love instantaneously fill your heart and well up in your tear ducts. 

2) When you let someone know they're loved in the good times & bad.  Even if you just can't find the words to say.

3) When you go to ocean & realize just how small (but fierce) you are.

 4) When you see people reach their dreams...or chase them with everything they've got.

5) When you win for your community. For your team. For your family. For yourself.

6) When leaders rise up & choose to be different.

7) When you decide to just be still & know that He is God.

8) When fairytales exist in real life & you find your price charming who loves & prays for you.

9) When the national anthem plays and your heart swells up with pride for your country.

10) When the world finds a diamond in the rough.

11) When you realize that your dad will never stop being your hero.

12) When good things happen to amazingly deserving people.

These are a few of my favorite things...

Colorfully Yours,

1 comment:

  1. Når du vinner for samfunnet. For laget ditt. For din familie. For selv. Dens en veldig flott øyeblikk. Kan ikke uttrykke disse følelsen.

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