Coming Tomorrow: Inside "The Lockout"

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

I was in choir all through middle school and high school, so naturally, when it came time for spring musicals, I got into "diva mode".  I always saw myself singing under the big stage lights of a Broadway show, signing autographs & accepting golden statues in front of my colleagues with dramatic, tear-stained humility & gratitude.  That was my dream...clearly, I've taken the easy way out by becoming a photographer.  Kidding!  You are entitled to have multiple dreams.  Sometimes one dream may lead into another.  Maybe I can be the singing paparazzi on the red carpet one day. ;)

Anyway, I love watching people really go for their dreams though.  It's kind of an adrenaline rush seeing people put everything they've got out there on the line & creatively turn things they love into a career.

Jason Gallagher (left) & Ben Fort (right) of Six Hours Short are the writers & producers of "The Lockout: A Musical".
Photo credit: Jeff Cotner |

My extremely talented friends from college, Ben Fort & Jason Gallagher are doing just that.  They are combining their love of basketball, music and comedy to create one out-of-this-world production called "The Lockout: A Musical". This musical is actually inspired by the NBA lock-out that rocked the United States in 2011. Who else would think of this?! I seriously can.not.wait!

I had the opportunity to interview these two for a blog post that will posted tomorrow!  The post will provide you with all of the juicy journalistic details of what they're doing, why they're doing it & why it's so important to donate to their 30-day Kickstarter fundraiser NOW.  Seriously, they are SO close to reaching their goal of $10,000!  Every donation of $10 or more gets a prize...just sayin'.

Till then, check out the video to the right.  If you feel the need to give immediately after viewing the short clip alone, by all means - for the love of the game, just do it.

Colorfully Yours,

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